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Art of Medicine Podcast Milestone

Writer's picture: anwilneranwilner

Great news for my podcast, “The Art of Medicine with Dr. Andrew Wilner!” Thanks to your support, the program reached the required number of subscribers to qualify for an easy-to-remember YouTube URL address rather than its cryptic current one.


But wait, why not make it even simpler and dispense with the “MDauthor “suffix?

Simple answer, the URL was already taken! It’s the address for my nature site, “Underwater with Dr. Wilner.” If you love the underwater world, you will appreciate the colorful and calming “Underwater with Dr. Wilner.” Check it out to view more than 60 videos, many of them filmed on coral reefs in the Philippines.

Please enjoy both Youtube sites and share them with like-minded friends and colleagues. Subscribers will be notified by email of each new program.


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Disclaimer: The author's website and books do not intend to provide professional business, medical, or legal advice and should not replace the counsel of an accountant, physician, or attorney, repsectively. Although the information has been carefully researched, the author assumes no liability for loss or damages resulting from its use.


Books and other products may have affiliate links. "As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases." (It's not much.) The price to you is the same.

Copywrite: Andrew Wilner, MD 2019.

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