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"Balance, Pedal, Breathe, A Journey through Medical School"

Writer's picture: anwilneranwilner

Many thanks to Claire Unis, MD, author of "Balance, Pedal, Breathe, A Journey Through Medical School," for discussing her new book with me on this episode of "The Art of Medicine with Dr. Andrew Wilner."

Dr. Unis is passionate about the literary arts (as well as bicycling, horseback riding, rock climbing, and other outdoor sports). She is a communication coach and Literature in Medicine Champion.

During this 30-minute interview, Dr. Unis talks about her new book and the process of change and emotions she experienced throughout her four years of medical school. We also discussed how narrative medicine can teach physicians to listen to their patients' stories and improve patient care. She explains the narrative medicine exercise of "writing in the shadow of the text."

Dr. Unis also addresses the challenge of work/life balance that physicians and many other professionals struggle with daily. Her book, "Balance, Pedal, Breathe, A Journey Through Medical School," is available by clicking on the icon in the Library section on my website or going directly to

You can learn more about Dr. Unis here: Her social media handle on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn is @literaryartinmedicine

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