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cGRP Prevents Migraines

Writer: anwilneranwilner

I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. David Dodick, a migraine specialist and former Professor at the Mayo Clinic, about his new migraine prevention study. You can watch it on YouTube here:

Medscape has also transcribed the interview, which is available at the same link.

Here's a link to the abstract from AAN.

Dr. Dodick is a prominent migraine specialist and is currently Chair of the Atria Academy of Science and Medicine. Dr. Dodick and I have crossed paths a number of times. I first interviewed him at the American Academy of Neurology ten years ago. Later, we crossed paths when I worked locum tenens at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ. It was fun to speak with him again about his research, even if it was a virtual interaction!


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