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Cory Fawcett Discusses Locum Tenens

Writer: anwilneranwilner

Please join me and Dr. Cory Fawcett, author of 4 books on personal finance and a new video course on locum tenens in this 15-minute discussion about locum tenens on my medical YouTube channel.

Dr. Fawcett is a retired general surgeon. He worked locums for three years while transitioning from his full-time general surgery practice to his “repurposed” life helping physicians succeed in personal finance. While working locums part-time, he rediscovered the joy of general surgery.

Dr. Fawcett and I shared similar locums experiences and had a great discussion. If you are interested in trying out locum tenens, particularly if you are a “late-career” physician, please watch the video.

More than 20 additional video links on locum tenens are archived on my website: If you are seriously considering locums, consider browsing my book, The Locum Life: A Physician’s Guide to Locum Tenens, as well as Dr. Fawcett’s new video course.

If you would prefer to read a transcript of our discussion or listen to the recording, please click this link:

This is a new feature with a semi-automated transcription by with corrections by me. Please let me know if you like it!

Thank you!



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Copywrite: Andrew Wilner, MD 2019.

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