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COVID-19 and Locum Tenens

Writer's picture: anwilneranwilner

Episode #9 Recorded April 15, 2020

Many thanks to Justin Allison of Ero Staff, a locum tenens staffing company, for joining me on the Art of Medicine with Dr. Andrew Wilner. From Northern California, Justin discussed the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on his locum tenens business. He observed that while the availability of outpatient positions has decreased, the demand for hospitalists, intensivists, and pulmonary specialists has skyrocketed. Due to the urgent need, compensation has even increased.

We discussed how changes in state licensing regulations have expedited the process of getting physicians to where they are needed. Justin also commented on the explosive growth of telemedicine. He also has some surprising observations of the profiles of physicians eager to jump into the fray compared to those more likely to stay home and wait out the crisis.

If you are a physician looking for a locum tenens position, whether for a week, month, or longer, you can contact Justin Allison at: or 916.778.6030.


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Copywrite: Andrew Wilner, MD 2019.

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