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COVID-19 in Tennessee-Now our children are dying

Writer's picture: anwilneranwilner

As you may know, I am an Associate Professor of Neurology and Division Director of Neurology at Regional One Health, a "safety net" hospital in Memphis, TN. In this otherwise wonderful city, we are struggling with full hospitals and dying patients, in large part due to poor vaccination rates and incomplete adherence to masking. The situation here is so bad the National Guard just arrived to assist.

For more background on this ongoing catastrophe, check out this essay published today in the New York Times:

Of particular concern are the rising numbers of cases in children. More than 11,000 children have contracted the virus in Tennessee. In Memphis, at least 2 children have died.

Sara Cross, MD, an infectious disease specialist at my hospital, recently produced a 6-minute public service message that addresses the need for masking and vaccination during this pandemic. Sara is the mother of a 6-year old who is too young to be vaccinated. I empathize. My young son just started pre-school, and even though masking is the school policy, it scares me to death each day when he leaves the house and risks exposure to a potentially lethal virus.

I commend Sara for her clear presentation of the facts and her concern for those least able to protect themselves--our children.

If you have any doubts about the need for masking and vaccination, please watch Sara's video here:


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