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Don't Miss These NonClinical Career Conferences

Writer's picture: anwilneranwilner

Whether fate placed them on the frontlines or sidelines of the Coronavirus battle, physicians have been forced to reassess their careers and long-term goals. For those considering a nonclinical career or side gig, two upcoming online programs may be helpful:

Here’s a partial speaker list:

  • John Jurica (NonClinical Physicians)

  • David Draghinas (Doctors Unbound)

  • Nii Darko (Docs Outside the Box)

  • Katrina Ubell (Weight Loss for Busy Physicians)

  • Peter Kim (Passive Income MD)

  • Carrie Reynolds (The Hippocratic Hustle)

  • Jim Dahle (White Coat Investor)

  • Leif Dahleen (Physician on Fire)

  • Eric Tate (Vernonville Asset Management)

  • Dana Corriel (SoMeDocs)

  • Mike Woo-Ming (BootstrapMD)

  • Nisha Mehta (Physician Side Gigs)

Free-but tickets required. Lectures available for purchase following the program.

Host: Peter Kim, Founder of Passive Income, MD

Michelle Mudge-Riley, MD, of PhysiciansHelpingPhysicians, has coached physicians for years. She held a successful in-person “celebration and networking” conference last April in Austin, TX, for physicians thinking about a transition to a nonclinical career. I interviewed her for ReachMD last December.

This year, thanks to the Coronavirus, the NEXT Conference will take place online with three sessions in July, September, and November 2020. Michelle was kind enough to invite me to participate. I’ll be speaking at the September conference about writing, locum tenens, and work/life balance.

If you can’t wait until September, check out next week’s “The Art of Medicine with Dr. Andrew Wilner.” John Jurica, MD, interviewed me about my book, “The Locum Life: A Physician’s Guide to Locum Tenens,” We had a fun and lengthy discussion! Our chat forms the foundation for an online course John is putting together as part of his new career platform NonClinicalCareerAcademy.

The first NEXT Conference, “What to Consider Next,” will be held in July.

Please click here to for more information about Michelle's conferences.


Hope to see you there!


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Copywrite: Andrew Wilner, MD 2019.

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