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Locum Tenens for Nurse Practitioners

Writer's picture: anwilneranwilner

Many thanks to the family nurse practitioner(FNP) who posted an Amazon 5 -star review on Amazon for my new book, "The Locum Life: A Physician's Guide to Locum Tenens."

As a long-time locum tenens physician, I wrote the book based on my own experience and experiences of other physicians whom I knew or contacted. I'm delighted to see that the material is also useful for other healthcare providers!

For those just starting out in practice, like the FNP reviewer, locums can be a great way to sample different geographic locations and practice styles. It's also an opportunity to hone newly learned clinical skills.

When on their first assignment, new practitioners shouldn't be shy about asking for help from more experienced clinicians. I remember during my first ER locums work back in 1982, not only did I come to work prepared with a bag of books, I freely called the primary care physicians for advice regarding their private patients who came to my ER. I appreciated their input, and it definitely improved patient care and continuity of care as well.

Only once or twice was I on the receiving end of an angry tirade from a physician who didn't want to be disturbed by a lowly ER doc for what seemed a simple problem. I learned to develop a thick skin and never took those critiques to heart!


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Copywrite: Andrew Wilner, MD 2019.

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