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Neurologic Complications of COVID-19 on

Writer's picture: anwilneranwilner

In my spare time, I host Neurofrontiers, a program on ReachMD that explores research, diagnosis, and treatment of neurological disease. ReachMD is a large broadcast network for medical professionals with millions of subscribers. Kenneth Tyler, MD, was kind enough to speak with me about COVID-19 on two episodes of Neurofrontiers.

Dr. Tyler is Professor and Chair of the Department of Neurology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, and double-boarded in internal medicine and neurology. He specializes in neuroinfectious disease. We had a very friendly and informative discussion.

You can listen to these ReachMD episodes here:

1. “Investigating the variants of the COVID-19 virus” (3.5 minutes)

2. How does COVID-19 affect the mind? (16.5 minutes)

Dr. Tyler and I also recently chatted on “The Art of Medicine with Dr. Andrew Wilner” about the neurologic effects of COVID-19. You can view the program on YouTube or listen to the podcast.

Many thanks to Ken for sharing his expertise on the neurologic complications of COVID-19.


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Copywrite: Andrew Wilner, MD 2019.

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