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New Podcast-The Art of Medicine with Dr. Andrew Wilner

Writer's picture: anwilneranwilner


The strategy of “social distancing” to avoid Coronavirus has forced many of us into unaccustomed isolation. For those not yet incapacitated, one unanticipated benefit of enforced seclusion has emerged—more time for independent creative work!

New Podcast!

I thought about starting a podcast several months ago and finally got to it! Please join me for the launch of “The Art of Medicine with Dr. Andrew Wilner.” This new podcast mirrors my YouTube video series by the same name.

How to Listen?

If you listen to audio podcasts on your computer, the website is:

If you listen on a phone, tablet or other device, you can download episodes with your favorite player, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.


Born from my locum tenens video series launched one year ago, “The Art of Medicine with Dr. Andrew Wilner” explores the arts, business and clinical aspects of the practice of medicine. Guests range from a CPA who specializes in helping locum tenens physicians file their taxes to a Rabbi who shares secrets about spiritual healing. Episodes are designed to be entertaining and informative.


New episodes of the YouTube and Podcast will release simultaneously every 2 weeks, starting Sunday, starting April 5, 2020. The first three episodes are already archived.

Future Programs

Upcoming guests include a physician who has written her first novel and a wealth management expert who specializes in physician portfolios.


These podcast and video programs represent labors of love, created with complete artistic freedom. I record, edit and produce each episode on an Apple Computer using a variety of software tools such as Zoom, Final Cut, and GarageBand. Plese support these efforts by subscribing (free) to the YouTube and/or Podcast channels.


I am always trying to enhance the program. Your responses to the following questions will help:

1. Do you prefer podcast or video format?

2. What is the best episode length for you?

3. Where do you listen to podcasts (car, gym, work?)

4. What is your favorite podcast player (i.e., Apple podcasts, Spotify)?

5. Is the audio quality OK?

6. Would a written transcript of the interviews add value?

7. Would you recommend this podcast to a colleague?

8. Suggestions for future topics or guests? Please contact me!


Listening to podcasts can be an intimate experience that overcomes social distancing. These programs may provide a welcome distraction from the contagion that otherwise fills the air and airwaves. If you enjoy these podcasts and share with your friends, “The Art of Medicine with Dr. Andrew Wilner” could go viral (and that would be a good thing)!

Thank you!


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Disclaimer: The author's website and books do not intend to provide professional business, medical, or legal advice and should not replace the counsel of an accountant, physician, or attorney, repsectively. Although the information has been carefully researched, the author assumes no liability for loss or damages resulting from its use.


Books and other products may have affiliate links. "As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases." (It's not much.) The price to you is the same.

Copywrite: Andrew Wilner, MD 2019.

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